Thursday, February 3, 2011

Liar Liar Pants On Fire

So in the last entry I said I would be more dilligent with writing in my blog. Whooops.

Wedding update: After much debate with myself, I decided to splurge on a limo. When else can you have a limo if not on your wedding day??? HTB and I started allocating money in our "Wedding Savings Account" toward specific wedding vendors. The visual of seeing things getting paid off is reassuring. I have to make my final decision on the theme though...I thought I had a good one....till another exciting one came along...
Booked the honeymoon flight! Dominican Republic it excited

Car problems: My little neon is really starting to give up. Sputtering, shaking, not much money is too much money to put into a car so it lasts 6 months? I just need it to last till the wedding, a car payment would be money not going towards our growing wedding debt.

Working hard or hardly working: I still have a very small caseload at work so I have been pretty stressfree at the office. I've felt kinda like a slacker in my little cubicle...(wedding planning, facebooking, blogging)...oh well. Of course, that also leaves me lots of time to organize and prepare for the choas of a large caseload later. This is my first week back at the office in two weeks and next week I'll be gone again for more training.

New Year's Resolutions? So far so good I guess. My nails are almost completly grown out (HTB really likes the backscratch benefit), I have read 2 books so far and into my 3rd, I have kept all my reciepts from January and compared them to my projected budget......and for the diet resolution....welll....I have to get back on the horse there....

This is a long post. but it's been awhile. Tomorrow's (yes, I'll write tomorrow) will be more concise.