Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bridal Bootcamp Diet

So, I have been perfecting a diet plan over the past week. With some input from family members, friends, and co-workers...I feel as though I have a good idea of what can work. I have 7 months to go until the big day. Time to really crack down and drop some lbs. The diet is going to go as follows:

1. Drink lots and lots of water. No other beverages allow. Especially beer and pop.
2. Leek soup diet 2 days a week. This diet is said to be discusting yet highly effecient. A co-worker lost 6 lbs in 2 days on this diet. sold. So Mondays and Tuesdays I'll be digesting nothing but this soup.
3. Keep track of calorie intake with daily food diary. Restrict total daily calories to 1200 / day.
4. Workout 3x per week for at minimun 30 minutes. This step of the bridal bootcamp diet conflicts with the wedding budget due to expensive gym fees. However, I think I'm going to invest in the Wii Ft for awhile and see if I feel like I'm making any sort of gain...well, no gain is more what I'm going for.
5. Eat healthy. No fast food. No take out. Minimal microwave meals.

This diet will commence next week Monday. I look forward to shopping in the lower sizes and gorgeous wedding pictures.

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